Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

The Trust has experienced very real answer to prayer. From time to time we receive prayer requests from the Diocese - for example when there is considerable hardship because of the late arrival of the rainy season. Certainly your prayer for Trustees as they visit Shyogwe would be much appreciated. 

Thank you so much for your commitment to pray for the people of Rwanda and the work of GrassRoots Rwanda. Everything starts with prayer.

  • Pray for the parish of Rugendabari – its need for an electrical supply, its vocational training centre and its young mother’s project. Give thanks for the funds raised to date and the determination of Amos, the rural dean, Clementine from the Mother’s Union and Sylvestre the pastor who are committed to make a difference in this area. And for the generosity of St Peter’s and St James’ Church in Hereford who support this parish. 
  • Health post at Gasharu. Pray that this new project will be funded both for the building but also the ancillaries and equipment. Pray that good medical staff will be found and the post will be a blessing to the surrounding area.

  • Pray for the new training programme being implemented now for 200 new catechists and evangelists across the diocese to bring the good news of the gospel to the people. This projects includes teaching the pastors leading churches. The Trust has committed to providing £5,000 this year (already paid) and £5,000 next year.
  • Give thanks for the new truck provided by Orbus Software which is making such a difference to the work of the diocese.


Donations of any amount are always welcome to support our work in Rwanda. 
Every penny donated goes to helping the people of Shyogwe Diocese. 
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