Current Health Projects

Current Health Projects

Here, we have summarised the main areas of focus for our current health projects in Rwanda. 

Helping Young Mums

We are also supporting the work of the Mother’s Union in Rwanda which sets up ‘Healthy Mums Projects’ to help young mothers. Many of these girls have no parents to show them how to look after their babies, so these projects are vital.         

Clementine (pictured with a young mum receiving donated clothing) wanted to set up a new project in the particularly poor area of Rugendabari to help the very vulnerable young mothers there. We felt we could offer 60 places, but when these were advertised, 600 young mums turned up! We sent over £2,000 which was enough to kick start the programme and now there are five Healthy Mums groups operating - but this is still the tip of the iceberg.

The Mothers Union also encourage the mums to form co-operatives to sustain themselves and once the babies become toddlers, they train them to provide nursery education. In this way help is given to present and future generations. 

You can donate specifically for this project via our dedicated JustGiving page below. 

Health Dispensaries, Gasharu

In a country where malaria and intestinal diseases are rife, access to medical facilities is all important. The Diocese has recognised the importance of establishing dispensaries in outlying areas to serve the needs of the people – not only to dispense medication but also to educate the people in hygiene, nutrition and birth control. As funds become available, the dispensaries are often upgraded to include maternity units and become fully fledged health centres. The Trust is keen to support this work.

We have just received funding to build a new Health Post in Gasharu. Like the Health Post in Mbayaya, this is in a very poor area and in great need of health facilities. We have just send over the first tranche of funds and work is now underway.

Health Dispensaries, Mbayaya

The Trust has been able to provide a much-needed water tank but the provision of electricity at £2,500 remains a priority, and there is a need to refurbish an old block for nurses' accommodation as staff cannot always get home in the evening due to the remote nature of the dispensary. All in all, we need another £5,000 to make this a first-class facility in this very remote area.


Donations of any amount are always welcome to support our work in Rwanda. 
Every penny donated goes to helping the people of Shyogwe Diocese. 
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