Current Diocesan Support Projects

Current Diocesan Support Projects

Here are some of the areas we are currently supporting in the Diocese of Shyogwe.

The Mother's Union, Healthy Mum Groups

The Mother’s Union is temporarily headed by Yvonne while a new leader is found to replace Claudine. The training centre, teaching girls to sew and knit is still going strong and there are plans to teach English and Business Studies too. 

There are now five Healthy Mums Projects in the diocese – Gikomero, Hanika, Munazi, Rungedabari and Rogobagoba. We have visited all of them and handed out baby clothes donated by various groups helping the trust including the WI and the mothers union here in the UK. The work of the Mother’s Union in this initiative is evident to see and as spin offs from these projects, co-operatives have been set up to introduce pigs and cows, and nursery education has been established to serve the needs of the children as they grow. 

These Healthy Mum groups need continuing support to add to their number and to provide external trainers for everything from health care to animal husbandry. We were asked if we knew anyone with design skills for the products MU makes and markets…. cards, clothing, baskets, jewellery……

Repair of the pastor's house

The pastor’s house at Rugendabari has been a concern for some time. It had no ceilings and flies were a constant nuisance. While Rev Sylvestre and his wife slept in the bedroom in the main property, the four children (aged 10, 14, 17 and 19) slept in an outhouse. There are two rooms there, one for the boys and the other for the girls. Their share a bed with their sibling and the girl’s room is also used as a store for sewing machines. 

We felt that something should be done as a matter of urgency. Funds have now been sent over and a complete house rebuild is close to completion. Other pastors houses are in similar need of refurbishment and funds are constantly needed to improve the housing stock for pastors.

Ongoing help with infrastructure

The Trust also helps with the day-to-day running of the diocese by helping to fund salaries and paying for the maintenance and hosting of the Diocesan website.

Accumulating General Funds

While GrassRoots Rwanda's finances are for specific projects with funds given by individual sponsors and church/school links, the Trust is keen to be in a position to provide monies for various projects as and when the need arises.

Each time Trustees visit the Diocese, they are made aware of pressing needs and it is good to have funds at their disposal to make an immediate, but prioritised, response. There has been one Trustee visit during 2019, but due to travel restrictions no visits are scheduled for 2020. 

You can donate to our general fund JustGiving page or via our PayPal account on our Donate page.


The Trust set up an appeal to help the diocese cope with coronavirus. It was our most successful appeal yet, and over £20,000 was raised and sent over to the country. This is to be used at the discretion of the Bishop, but to include helping teachers in church schools whose salaries have been reduced: and for pastors who still receive a portion of the Sunday collection as a salary. With churches closed, their salary has been reduced. 

 Along with these initiatives, the Bishop has provided food and washing stations to minimise the spread of the disease.  

Water filters

The trustees who visited Rwanda recently were delighted to see a new initiative in the diocese – ceramic water filters being produced. These pots are made by mixing ground rice husks into the clay which when fired create tiny holes through which water can be filtered to extract dirt and microbes. A simple solution. 

These pots are made in the diocese, and have been tested and approved by the government as providing safe drinking water. GrassRoots Rwanda would like to buy one for every church leader. In this way, the effectiveness of the pots will be shown to all parishioners and the word will spread. Clean water for all and employment too! Each pot costs about £5 to produce and we need to raise £1,500 to see one in every parish. After that money is needed to provide pots for the poorest families and to renovate the pot which needs to be done after about 5 years of usage.  


Donations of any amount are always welcome to support our work in Rwanda. 
Every penny donated goes to helping the people of Shyogwe Diocese. 
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