“Warm greetings in Jesus name. I am now in my office meditating and praying for the situation in Rwanda, in Africa and in the entire world. For Rwanda, COVID is intensely coming back with a big number of sick people.
"Each day there are around 900 new cases and 5 deaths which may not sound as severe as other countries but their lockdown is severe with reduced numbers in those churches that are allowed to open and restrictions on movement. Only 4% of the population are vaccinated
and the supply of vaccines is severely limited throughout the country (particularly rural areas).
"Please pray for us to get more vaccines (only governments can supply vaccines).”
Since the Bishop wrote, the number of COVID cases has increased exponentially to almost 3,000 per day.
“Teachers and pastors are severely economically affected ... therefore, the survival support to purchase food for pastors and teachers would be
GrassRoots Rwanda says:
With churches and schools closed, pastors live by offering and many teachers do not receive salaries from the Government; parents are unable to pay school fees and students are unable to go home.
The living conditions of Rwandans have been affected where businesses and jobs have been restricted by lockdowns and many have no
income at all, particularly in urban areas.
“The situation in remote rural areas in hard but people do they best they can to survive”
[as farming activities have continued to some
“Some cases are critical like girls who are victims of early pregnancy and aged people in villages.”
GrassRoots Rwanda says:
Pastors are finding it hard to support the most vulnerable without income themselves. Some churches in remote areas do not have permits to open at all as they are unable to afford ‘required’ protection like hand-washing water via tanks and soap. The Trust has already sent £8,000 to the Bishop, to distributed to pastors and communities where he sees the greatest needs.
“Training of pastors remains a main priority of Shyogwe Diocese.
“We were lucky to get half of the funds from UEM, J Wesley organisation, for our 32 students studying in Anglican Theological College at Kigali and in the Protestant University of Butare. We need your support to pay for the rest we owe to those two institutions. Please pray and intervene as you can in that matter."
GrassRoots Rwanda says:
By 2023, Rwanda government requirements specify that those without a government-approved degree will not be allowed to preach. Few of the current pastors have such a qualifications and large numbers are retiring, hence the urgency of funding this
training. A considerable number of churches would be unable to function.
If you wish to support either of the current initiatives, JustGiving links can be found at
Train the pastors:
Feed the hungry:
The Dufatanye project continues helping the poorest giving emergency food, a place to grow crops, some housing and breakfast.
We act on funds raised for this project via an alternative fund raising budget as it lies just outside Shyogwe Diocese in Nyanza Diocese.
To support this project, go to:
The Trustees continue to thank God for you, our faithful supporters. All of the donations go to the cause that you specify as the Trustees pay for all the administrative costs in running the charity.
Gasharu Health Post
- This now completed (thanks to a very generous donation to the Trust): “Every day more than a hundred patients are coming for treatment. Good news indeed.”
However, people are finding it really hard to pay the ‘NI’ subscription for the very basic health care the Government offers. These subscriptions do not cover COVID help.
Nyarungenge Church
- Repair and improvement work on the building is nearing completion follow the severe storm damage of 30 months ago. “Thank the Lord for the efforts made by Christians in several parishes in order to fulfil the government requirements for opening churches for prayer and worship.”
Rugendabari VTC
- Continues to give professional skills to young people in sewing, building, carpentry (and welding once electricity is connected); albeit government-approved teaching certificates require a further 3 months' training at an ‘accredited’ college. More skilled teachers are required for subjects other than sewing.
Please continue to pray for the Rwandan people, in particular for: